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Insurance Blog

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7 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

It’s a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining and the weather is perfect. You slide into your car, ready to start your busy day, when—uh oh!— your car won’t start. There are many reasons why your car won’t turn over. Before calling for help, there are things you can check yourself. For starters, make sure the steering wheel isn’t locked. If it is, you...

Save Cash With These Summer Home Tips

Summer is here, and with hot weather comes rising electric bills and other costly household expenses. None of these money-saving tips are particularly costly, but each of them can contribute to turning your home into a more comfortable place to escape the blazing summer sun. Replace your air filters in your air conditioner and vents. Accumulated dust, dirt, and other allergens can all cause your system to work less...

Five Home Improvement Tips to Make Your Home Safer

It’s impossible to prevent every accident or disaster, but there are some simple steps you can take that will go a long way to protecting your biggest investment. Know your shut-off valves. Few people know where the emergency shut-off valves are located for gas, water and electricity. Take a moment and find them, and make sure everyone in your house knows where to find them. Pro tip:...

5 Customized Emergency Kits to Weather Any Disaster

Emergency Kit for Power Outages When the power goes out, immediate concerns involve food and safety. (Read more about how to manage a power outage.) If a power outage is two hours or less, don’t worry about losing your perishable foods; an unopened fridge will keep foods cold for about four hours. Here are some helpful things to have on hand: Inexpensive Styrofoam coolers preserve...

Summer Fire Safety Tips: Protecting Your Home from Common Fire Starters

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are an average of 385,500 residential fires every year. While taking out a Homeowners insurance policy with fire insurance coverage will help protect you from the costs incurred from a house fire, following these fire safety tips can help prevent a fire from starting in your home. Fire Safety Tip #1: Don’t Smoke Indoors Smoking indoors can...